Randy KrumDesigner | Author | Instructor | Speaker

Randy Krum

Designer | Author | Instructor | Speaker


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Social Media Content Trends for 2020

Social Media Content Trends for 2020

Social media is predicted to continue to be a big tool for businesses in 2020. Big surprise. The Social Media Content Trends for 2020 and Beyond infographic from MicroCreatives lays out their predictions for upcoming trends.

Before the inception of social media marketing, brands used traditional marketing channels to reach out to and engage with consumers. Online social networks have made communicating with consumers a breeze and marketing easier and highly targeted for brands.

By 2020, more than 5 billion people will use social media platforms—that’s roughly two-thirds of the world’s population. Now is the perfect time to get started with social media marketing if you haven’t been doing so already. If you’re already doing it, how is it going for you so far? Perhaps it’s time to evaluate and update your social media content strategy to stay relevant and get ahead of the competition.

Here are some content trends we anticipate to be popular across social media in 2020 and the coming years. See what could work for your brand and start planning ahead.

Sometimes an infographic is a great way to summarize a larger, in-depth article. This is a good example that keeps the text in the infographic short & sweet because the article contains the longer descriptions.

They definitely missed out on using data visualization for the statistics though! Big mistake! They are completely lost in the text, and have no visual impact on the audience.

Found on prdaily.com

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