Famous Movie Quotes as Charts - the Poster
Dr. Nathan Yau, PhD from FlowingData.com has charted the 100 most memorable quotes from American movies, as selected by the American Film Institute, into a data visualization series called Famous Movie Quotes as Charts. He had designed the first handful of them a few years ago, but only recently got back into the project and completed all 100.
These have now been compiled into a beautiful 24”x36” poster available for a limited time before the one-and-ONLY print run for $19.00. Pre-order your copy this week here!
This 24” by 36” poster is printed on 80lb cover with a matte finish, each signed and hand-numbered.
There’s only going to be one printing, so take advantage of the special pre-order price while it lasts.
Shipping February 2014.
Each chart is a clear visualization of the movie quote, and easy for the audience to understand. They are beautiful in their simplicity and can be very funny in their interpretation.

Here’s a link to the big version for all of the detail.