CD Laddering Investment infographic — Cool Infographics
Randy KrumDesigner | Author | Instructor | Speaker

Randy Krum

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CD Laddering Investment infographic

CD Laddering Investment infographic

Designed by Derri Hasmi for, this CD Laddering infographic does a great job helping to explain the investment theory of CD laddering as compared to investing in standard CDs.

CD laddering is a strategy that allows you to take advantage of the higher cash rates offered by CDs, while at the same time ensuring that you have access to your money regularly. The most common type of CD ladder is the five year ladder. In this scenario, you open five different CDs. Let’s say that you check your savings account, and you have $15,000. You want to keep $5,000 for emergency purposes (move it to a high-yield savings account if it isn’t in one already), but use the remaining $10,000 to get your CD ladder started.

Thanks Jeremy!

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