What Causes Jet Lag? (Infographic) — Cool Infographics
Randy KrumDesigner | Author | Instructor | Speaker

Randy Krum

Designer | Author | Instructor | Speaker


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What Causes Jet Lag? (Infographic)

What Causes Jet Lag? (Infographic)

What Causes Jet Lag? (Infographic)

Matt Kursmark designed this infographic series about circadian rhythms and What Causes Jet Lag as an assignment in his information graphics class at Ohio State University.

These panels are the result of my third year information graphics class. The assignment was to choose any sequence, cycle, or evolution and represent it graphically. The information was to be presented in two separate panels that were related but could also function independently of one another.  On the first panel, I chose to represent the circadian rhythm cycle and how they normally work. On the second panel, I presented how circadian rhythms can get off track due to long-distance travel, aka jet lag. 


Matt is now freelancing in Cincinnati, OH.  Nice work Matt!

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